Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President Obama!!!

I just want to keep saying it over and over again,
I'm just so happy I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.

Wow, sometimes its the best thing in the world not to be equanimous~


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES WE DID. I for one am registered INDPENDENT. But after hearing Obama - now President Elect Obama speak at the Democratic Convention a few years back and hearing his message of unified and progressive America...I from way back thought to myself - this guy should run for Presient and if he did he and did the same spirit that he delivered that speech back then...I would step outside my box and vote for him. Thanks to all of us who did just that...stepoutside the box.... and made progress happen in America. Not just a progress in electing a bi-racial President - which is am important Historical milesstone BUT also electing someone who obviously could bring people of all life circumstances together on one accord.... Never Seen Anything Like It...since the Kennedys and MLK MOVED THE CROWD....OBAMA WILL ROCK THE WHITE HOUSE...IN ACTION AND DEED.... SMILE...